2025 Constituent Survey

Our legislative session is now underway and the work we do here in Connecticut has never felt more important. One thing that undoubtedly makes our work better is when we get to hear from you – so I hope you’ll take my survey and reach out to me directly if I can ever be of any help.

Top Priorities

Which areas of State Government should I prioritize this session?

Please number 1 to 6 with your top priorities, with 1 being the highest.

Lowering the Cost of Living

The national economy is still recovering from inflation, and here in our district, we’re certainly feeling the pinch of high prices. But with the uncertainty in Washington and around the world, we could face even more economic challenges right here at home. We must focus on practical solutions that help everyday families, not policies that create more instability.

With that in mind, where do you think we need to do the most work to lower our cost of living?

Please number 1 to 8 with your top priorities, with 1 being the highest priority.

Help Make Me a Better Legislator

I’d like to hear from you about what I can to do be more accessible to you.

What should I be doing more of?

Please number 1 to 7 with your top priorities, with 1 being the highest.


Every so often, you might find yourself thinking, “There ought to be a law for that.” Now is your chance to suggest a bill that the legislature should consider.

What are your ideas for what we should be working on at the Capitol?

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