May 17, 2019 update
May 17, 2019A new apprenticeship program at Goodwin, two great events to support veterans, another major milestone for crumbling foundations, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!
May 10, 2019 update
May 10, 2019Increasing the minimum wage, great news in the continuing crumbing foundations conversation, a look at a public health care option, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!
May 3, 2019 update
May 3, 2019The next step for the budget, a chat with CT Realtors, some construction updates, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!
April 26, 2019 update
April 26, 2019A significant step for HIV prevention here in CT, a visit in the House Chambers from some special guests, great upcoming events, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!
April 12, 2019 update
April 12, 2019Some great events in district, visiting the Stop & Shop picket line, a conversation on paid family leave, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!
April 5, 2019 update
April 5, 2019Welcoming our newest member of #TeamCurrey, exciting news from the Governor's office, an update on crumbling foundations, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!
Safe Haven Awareness Day
April 4, 2019Alongside Department of Education Commissioner Dianna Wentzell, Department of Children and Families Commissioner Vannessa Dorantes, fellow legislators, and key stakeholders, I had the opportunity to gather a press conference Thursday morning to promote April 4th as “Safe Haven Awareness Day.”
March 29, 2019 update
March 29, 2019Working to end the gay and transgender panic defense, some great community events, a breakdown of legalization of cannabis, and so much more - here are some highlights from the past week!