Rep. Dillon: Happy Weekend Update
July 26, 2024At the same time we process the effects of the historic events of recent months, our community continues the work of increased access to nourishing food while improving our neighborhoods.
Rep. Dillon: New Laws Effective July 1st
June 28, 2024Several new laws that address many issues aimed at improving our great state will become effective on Monday, July 1st.
Rep. Dillon: Where to Go During Summer EBT Delay
June 26, 2024As you may have heard, the new Summer EBT (S-EBT) benefits, which were anticipated to be deposited this week, have been delayed until early August. Although existing benefits won't be affected, this unexpected delay could potentially make it difficult for families around the state. The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven maintains a list of locations that provide food resources for members of the community- click here to access and bookmark it.
Rep. Dillon: Connecticut’s Extreme Hot Weather Protocol Starting Tuesday
June 17, 2024Cooling centers, pools, and splash parks will be open as we approach the start of our first extreme hot weather protocol. It will be a brutally hot and humid stretch of weather from Tuesday through the rest of the week, and we all want to ensure that our most vulnerable are protected. The protocol begins Tuesday at 12 P.M. will remain in effect through Sunday at 12 P.M.
Rep. Dillon: Fill and Fill Project on Route 15 North and Southbound at the Heroes Tunnel
June 12, 2024CTDOT announced that a mill and fill resurfacing project will be performed on Route 15 North and Southbound from 0.03 miles before the Heroes Tunnel to 0.11 miles after the Heroes Tunnel in Woodbridge, New Haven, and Hamden. This project is scheduled to occur Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22.
Rep. Dillon: New Haven Delegation Welcomes Over $25 Million In State Funding
June 5, 2024I am proud to announce that New Haven will receive over $25 million in state bonding funding for housing, education, non-profits, and community improvements.
Rep. Dillon: Child & Family Nutrition Bill Clears House Unanimiously
June 3, 2024I'm committed to the health and well-being of our community’s families and children by joining my colleagues in the House of Representatives to unanimously pass HB 5003, a bill that I was proud to cosponsor. This comprehensive legislation ensures mothers and children who are eligible for federal benefits, such as WIC, are enrolled in these programs with ease and confidence. This bill aims to reduce barriers to participation in WIC.
Rep. Dillon: Increased Funds And Early Start Of Farmers' Market Nutrition Program On June 1
June 1, 2024The Connecticut Department of Agriculture (CT DoAg) Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) will begin today, June 1, a month earlier than usual, and will run through November 30, 2024. Eligible participants can visit certified farmers’ markets and farm stands to redeem benefits for local CT Grown farm products including fresh, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and eggs (state funds only). Seniors may also purchase honey with their funds.