Jobs and the Economy

Helping Small Businesses
To help small businesses, we continued funding the highly successful Small Business Express Program. The Department of Economic and Community Development will also develop a program for construction projects for minority business enterprises. These moves will create jobs and better economic opportunities for Connecticut families.
Pay Equity and Fairness
To reduce wage inequality and make wage rates more transparent, we prohibited employers from preventing an employee from discussing their wage with another employee or requiring that an employee sign a document prohibiting them from doing so. Any employer who violates this law will be subject to compensatory damages, including attorney's fees and punitive damages.
Reducing Health Care Costs to Connecticut Cities and Towns
We directed the State Comptroller to allow municipal employees and retirees to join state employee health plans. This will mean big savings in healthcare costs for towns and cities around our state. The costs are reduced because employees from participating towns join a shared risk pool with state employees and other participating towns.

Ready to Work Program
This program provides job skills training to low-income individuals age 55 and older in Connecticut. To qualify, you must be unemployed and have an annual family income that is not more than 125% of the federal poverty income guidelines (single/$14,588 and family of three/$24,738).
Participants are placed in temporary training assignments to gain on-the-job work experience. They work 20 hours a week at the training sites for minimum wage. The program is designed to:
- Help our older workforce learn new job skills
- Assist in resume development and the search for a job
- Increase opportunities to obtain jobs in the private sector
- Change stereotypes about older workers through public education and demonstrated success
For additional information about Ready to Work, please contact Jennifer Gorman at (860) 424-5643 or at
Job Seeking Resources
CT Jobs: Connecticut’s Employment Exchange
CT Department of Labor: Job and Career ConneCTion
DAS State Employment Connection
CT DOL: Connecticut Career Paths Information Handbook
Unemployment Benefits Online Application
Job Training Resources
STEP Up for Vets
CT DOL: Education and Training ConneCTion
Resources for Businesses
Economic and Manufacturing Assistance Act
DECD: Check the DECD website for information on tax credit programs, support for startups and entrepreneurs and access to loans and other resources for companies large and small.