Let's Talk About It: Windham Water Works History & Rate Hike Proposal
September 1, 2023Chairman of Windham Water Works Mike Callahan joined us “Let’s Talk About It” to discuss the history of the town’s water department dating back to the 1880s when the drinking water was not treated. He also broke down how staff make sure the water is safe to drink and dug deeper into why the department is requesting a rate hike.
Summer Mental Health Grants For Schools
August 25, 2023Windham Public Schools will receive more than $70,000 in funding for summer mental health grants over a three-year period. Our students deserve year-round support, and this critical funding will help address their social and emotional needs in the summer months.
Let's Talk About It: Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum
August 25, 2023On my weekly public affairs show “Let’s Talk About It,” we previewed all the fun railroad day activities at the Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum coming up over Labor Day weekend.
Back To School Financial Support Ahead of New Academic Year
August 21, 2023I am pleased to announce the Connecticut Department of Social Services will deliver a one-time, back-to-school cash benefit to 7,500 children across the state. Eligible children will receive $55 just in time for Sales Tax Free Week!
Let's Talk About It: Proposed Insurance Rate Hikes
August 18, 2023On my weekly public affairs show, “Let’s Talk About It,” I spoke with Liz Dupont-Diehl, Associate Director at Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG), about its movement to stop proposed insurance rate hikes.
Resources for Upcoming School Year and Grants for Children In Need
August 14, 2023I want to share news and events that will ease the transition for the upcoming school year, tell you about mental health support coming to our students, and break down how to apply for grants for children in need.
Let's Talk About It: CLiCK's Composting Expansion Plans
August 11, 2023On my weekly public affairs show, “Let’s Talk About It,” we spoke with Chelsea Cherrier from the Commercially Licensed Cooperative Kitchen to discuss its mission of sustainability by composting.
Additional SNAP Benefits for Children
August 8, 2023$8.8 million in special food assistance benefits are scheduled to be distributed Sunday, August 13, 2023, to the families of 57,313 children under age 6 who are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).