Raising the Minimum Wage In Connecticut
April 27, 2017Today, I joined my colleagues at a press in support of raising the state's minimum wage. I am proud to stand in strong support of HB 6208, on behalf of Connecticut workers who are struggling to make ends meet in minimum wage jobs.
(CHAMP) Affordable Housing Funding Welcome
April 18, 2017I welcome news from the governor’s office that a $23 million commitment has been made to support affordable housing developments in various state communities including Bridgeport.
Bridgeport Day at the State Capitol
April 4, 2017Bridgeport Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for organizations to come to the Capitol and present displays that showcase their work.
The Black & Puerto Rican Caucus works on Budget
March 29, 2017In February, during a public forum at the State Capitol, our constituents brought their concerns to the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC) about equitable changes to the ECS formula, youth violence prevention initiatives, criminal justice reform, health care, protecting the safety net infrastructure and the budget deficit.
Casino & MMA Bills Clear Public Safety Committee
March 16, 2017I am pleased that legislation I authored to expand gaming in the state and allow sanctioned mixed martial arts events, have passed the General Assembly’s Public Safety Committee. Both bills are critical in boosting our economic growth and bringing much needed jobs to Connecticut.
NRZ Bill Gains Support
February 28, 2017Representatives Christopher Rosario and Steve Stafstrom are jointly supporting legislation that would increase citizen participation in Neighborhood Revitalization Zone ("NRZ") committees.
The Black & Puerto Rican Caucus Held Public Forum
February 3, 2017The state legislature's Black and Puerto Rican Caucus held a public forum at the Legislative Office Building to learn about the issues important to the communities we serve. I was honored to preside over the meeting and greet many residents, advocates and colleagues that attended the forum.
Black & PR Caucus Holds Public Forum
January 30, 2017Chairman Rep. Christopher Rosario (D-Bridgeport) and Vice Chairman Rep. Brandon McGee (D-Hartford) of the legislature’s Black and Latino Caucus announced a public forum will take place Tuesday, January 31 at the Legislative Office Building.
The group is seeking input from lawmakers, advocates and the public as it relates to their concerns and ideas about pressing policy issues concerning the black and Latino communities.