WBDC Equity Match Grant Application Now Open!
January 27, 2023The Women’s Business Development Council's Equity Match Grant Program application is now open, and the deadline to apply is February 28!
Help With Paying Energy Bills Event
January 23, 2023I want to share an upcoming event on Wednesday to learn about help with paying energy bills. Please share with anyone that may benefit from this event.
CareerConneCT Expands Intake Portal
December 15, 2022Great news! CareerConneCT is expanding its intake portal. The goal of CareerConneCT is to provide underemployed and unemployed Connecticut residents with resources and training necessary for the pursuit of a well-paying, high-quality career path. The program provides free job training, case management, supportive services, and employment assistance.
New Laws Taking Effect in the New Year
December 15, 2022As we prepare to ring in the new year and welcome the start of 2023, a number of laws passed will take effect when the clock strikes midnight on January 1st!
Millions Approved for Bridgeport Projects
December 9, 2022These projects will continue our efforts to improve the quality of life and make Bridgeport more attractive for economic activity.
Improving Fiscal Outlook For Connecticut
December 8, 2022I am pleased to report that responsible budgeting and major structural changes made to pension and teachers' retirements plans are putting Connecticut on much more solid fiscal ground and saving taxpayers billions in debt payments.
Rosario Named Deputy Speaker
December 7, 2022Speaker of the House Matt Ritter announced his team of Deputy Speakers of the House.
Special Session
December 1, 2022With many families in Connecticut facing added financial strain due to rising prices, the legislature went into special session earlier this week to provide some relief. A bipartisan bill passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Lamont extends the current suspension of the gasoline tax, provides additional funding for energy assistance programs, and continues premium pay for frontline workers.