2023 Constituent Survey

The 2023 legislative session is underway. This is my first session and we will be passing laws and a new state budget that will make a positive difference in the lives of you and your family. With so many pressing issues, I need your help in advancing my advocacy efforts.

I am very proud to have been appointed as Assistant Majority Leader and Vice Chair of the Banking Committee. I will also serve on the Veterans & Military Affairs and General Law Committees.

Please help me create the legislative agenda for the 109th District by taking this survey. You can also sign up for my informational e-mail newsletters and follow me on social media to receive regular legislative updates.

Top Priorities

Which areas of the state government should I prioritize this session? Please number 1 to 12 with your top priorities, with 1 being the highest.

Help Make Me a Better Legislator

I’d like to hear from you about what I can do to be more accessible. Aside from voting at the Capitol, one of my main jobs is to make sure that I am always available for the residents of Danbury, whether it’s helping with an issue you may have with a state agency, listening to your policy ideas, or attending community events.

What should I be doing more of? Please number 1 to 7 with your top priorities, with 1 being the highest.


Every so often, you might find yourself thinking, “There ought to be a law for that.” Now is your chance to suggest a bill that the legislature should consider. What are your ideas for what we should be working on at the Capitol?

Lowering the Cost of Living

I believe our cost of living is rising too fast, and the middle-class needs more help. There is still a lot more work to be done.

here should I focus further efforts to reduce your cost of living? Please number 1 to 8 with your top priorities, with 1 being the highest.

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