Nominate a Community Hero!
April 10, 2020I am launching an effort with my colleagues in the House of Representatives to honor our friends and neighbors who are going above and beyond.
Telemedicine Services Expanded Under COVID-19
March 17, 2020For approximately 850,000 enrolled residents, DSS will now cover identified telemedicine services.
COVID-19 Updates for Connecticut Workers and Employers
March 16, 2020If you are a worker and find yourself unable to go to work, or if you are an employer and need to temporarily close your business, the following information will help answer most of the frequently asked questions.
Judiciary Chairs Announce Legislation Modernizing Connecticut's Risk Warrant Law
March 4, 2020This year's proposal would mark the first update to these state statutes in over two decades.
What's Being Done In Black Rock Harbor
October 19, 2019Many of you have reached out regarding the overflow of sewage into Black Rock Harbor. The harbor is one of our greatest natural resources. I share the concern about our water quality. My staff and I have been briefed by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and I’d like to explain a little further what’s been occurring on our city’s shoreline.
Grocery Tax? We Did Not Vote For That
September 20, 2019The Department of Revenue Services misinterpreted language in the budget we passed and put an overly broad tax on many grocery items not previously taxed. We never intended to expand the tax that broadly. But after discussions with Governor Lamont, we succeeded in getting DRS to rescind this policy, and now the tax will reflect our actual intentions.
Stafstrom Tells New York Times CT Has Law To Deter Hackers Hitting U.S. Municipalities
August 22, 2019The New York Times reports municipalities in the U.S. have been held hostage by sophisticated criminals who have hacked computer systems, encrypted data and demanded millions of dollars in ransoms for freeing the systems. Interviewed by reporters, Rep. Steven Stafstrom says 2017 legislation he led to passage as a deterrent calls for up to three years in prison upon conviction.
Ghost gun in Ohio killings is banned in CT
August 15, 2019As we grieve over more mass shootings and look for answers out of Washington, I’m proud that our state continues to set an example. Now, if only Congress and other states would start to follow our lead.