Rep. Stafstrom To Hold Town Hall Forum
January 8, 2019Rep. Steve Stafstrom will hold his first Town Hall Forum of 2019 at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, in the Burroughs Community Center at 2470 Fairfield Ave., Bridgeport.
Next phase for Cherry Street Lofts to move forward
September 20, 2018The State Bond Commission has approved a $1 million grant toward the second phase of the Cherry Street Lofts project.
Bridgeport Legislative Highlights
May 24, 2018As we debrief the 2018 Legislative Session, I wanted to highlight for you a few pieces of legislation that have a direct and particular impact on Bridgeport which our Delegation was able to get passed in both chambers and now awaits the Governor’s signature.
Bipartisan state budget passes the Connecticut General Assembly
May 11, 2018Under the bipartisan state budget compromise, further municipal aid cuts are prevents, funding to the Medicare Savings Program is fully restored, and $12 million to the Husky A healthcare program is restored.
Bridgeport delegation champions House passage of bill that would expand casino gaming
May 4, 2018A bill, championed by the Bridgeport legislative delegation, that would permit and implement an open and competitive Request for Proposal process for private or tribal entities to bid for a qualification to develop, manage and operate a casino gaming facility in Connecticut passed the state House of Representatives.
House of Representatives passes ban on bump stocks
May 1, 2018The state House of Representatives took a step toward addressing the national epidemic of gun violence by passing legislation that would ban bump stocks.
Bill that would increase participation in NRZ committees passes House
April 24, 2018The Bridgeport House delegation applauded the state House of Representatives' passage of a bill that would increase citizen participation in Neighborhood Revitalization Zone committees.
Seven Bridgeport census tracts nominated as federal Opportunity Zones
April 23, 2018Seven Bridgeport census tracts were forwarded to the Federal Government as suggestions to be added to the list of federal Opportunity Zones. From Bridgeport's downtown to Steelpointe Harbor, to the city's West End Eco-technology Park and the Cherry Street Loft area, Bridgeport is seeing development growth.