
Saving Bridgeport taxpayers tens of millions of dollars over the next several years

December 28, 2017

Bridgeport is expected to save tens of millions of dollars over the next several years after it was recently able to restructure a portion of its unfunded pension liabilities. Through House Bill 7296, Bridgeport was given the statutory authority to issue bonds to pay off more than $83 million in unfunded pension liabilities into the Connecticut Municipal Employee Retirement System.

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End-of-year Capitol report

December 15, 2017

During the 2017 legislative session, we implemented structural reforms that will not only help Connecticut steady its financial footing, but will also help spur economic development and restore millions of dollars to municipalities, our schools and core state services. As vice chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a member of the Planning and Development Committee, we were also able to pass legislation that helps Bridgeport, improves our judicial system and protects some of our most vulnerable citizens. I am proud to share information about some of these new laws with you.

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Quality child care for working families

November 8, 2017

Connecticut families, currently on the wait-list, can start enrolling in the Care 4 Kids program, the state’s primary child care support program. Care 4 Kids helps low- to moderate-income families in Connecticut pay for child-care costs.

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