Republican budget would have devastating effects on Bridgeport and its economy
September 18, 2017The Republicans' two-year budget is unbalanced, relies on unrealistic savings, and contains devastating cuts to higher education. Their spending package would also inflict turmoil by slashing the vital services and programs that our most vulnerable residents rely on. I strongly opposed their spending proposal and voted "No" because I believe this budget is bad for Bridgeport and contradicts Connecticut's core values.
House Democrats release updated budget proposal
August 24, 2017House Democrats presented a new spending package in the hopes of ending the current budget stalemate and closing our deficit. This proposal prioritizes funding critical services, including education, invests in our workforce development programs to spur our economy, and contains important structural changes to the way state and local governments operate
Uniting against hate, bigotry and violence
August 17, 2017In the wake of last weekend’s events in Charlottesville, Virginia, we are left with far too many questions and not enough answers. While Connecticut is roughly 450 miles removed from Charlottesville, Virginia, I find myself asking “Could it happen here?” And if so, what can we do to mitigate the effects of such a hateful demonstration? I believe that by uniting together, we can minimize the chances of hate, bigotry and violence from occurring by taking pride in our state and by educating residents on Connecticut’s hate crime laws.
Labor deal will improve our finances and save taxpayers $24 billion
July 21, 2017Earlier this week unionized state employees voted to ratify a historic concessions package that will help Connecticut resolve the budget deficit. Members of the State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) voted overwhelmingly in favor of the agreement - 83 percent to 17 percent. The agreement would save the state $1.2 billion over the next two years and $24 billion over its lifetime.
Bridgeport legislative delegation applauds governor's signing of H.B. 7296
July 7, 2017The Bridgeport legislative delegation praised Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's signing of legislation that will give the city and its taxpayers some relief needed to help steady Bridgeport's financial footing.
Highlights of the 2017 legislative session
June 12, 2017During the General Assembly's regular session, the Bridgeport legislative delegation worked together to pass bills that will make Bridgeport an even better place to live, work and raise a family.
Helping Bridgeport become a recognized leader in renewable energy
June 6, 2017Legislation that will pave the way for Bridgeport to become a national model for the reuse of waste heat passed out of the House of Representatives Tuesday in a 100-51 vote. House Bill 6304 seeks to establish a pilot program in Bridgeport to test-drive thermal district heating technology.
Stafstrom leads passage of bill that would help restore public trust in law enforcement
May 30, 2017House Bill 7308 would allow municipalities, including Bridgeport, to tap into a $9 million reserve of state funding to purchase body cameras and dashboard cameras for police cruisers. The legislation now heads to the Senate for further consideration.