Fighting Human Trafficking

May 17, 2017

State Rep. Steve Stafstrom, vice chairman of the Judiciary Committee, led House passage of House Bill 7309, which aims to combat human trafficking through increased penalties, training and awareness.

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Democrats release updated budget proposal

May 16, 2017

This week, the Governor and the respective legislative caucuses released proposals for a balanced budget. The legislative Democratic proposal contains significant restructuring to make state government more efficient while protecting investments in workforce training and business growth. Our proposal does not increase the state sales tax, personal income tax or corporation taxes.

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Bridgeport receives funding for city projects

May 12, 2017

State Rep. Steve Stafstrom and the Bridgeport legislative delegation are pleased to announce the approval of funding for various projects in Bridgeport. Bridgeport received over $6 million for various projects including continuing renovations to Housatonic Community College, a grant for Southwest Community Health Center and improvements to the public library. The House of Representatives also passed the mixed-martial arts and boxing bill that will help bring events to the city, and the pension bill that will save city taxpayers millions of dollars on pensions.

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Budgeting for a better Connecticut

April 28, 2017

As the legislature gets closer to setting a spending plan for the 2017-18 fiscal year, it is important that we prioritize paying down our debt, investing in transportation infrastructure, and most importantly, supporting cities like Bridgeport with education aid and municipal funding to allow them to be the centers of economic growth for our state.

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Judiciary Updates

April 17, 2017

As the Judiciary Committee has now reached its deadline for reporting out bills for the 2017 Session, I wanted to share with you some highlights of the bills we have passed out of Committee on key topics.

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