Fix the disparity in sexting law
March 17, 2017The CT Post supports Stafstrom's 'Sexting bill'
Rep. Stafstrom, Police Chiefs Support HB 6200
March 15, 2017"Anybody who tells you this is a gun bill, it's not," said Stafstrom, an attorney. "This is a police safety bill. This is a public safety bill. ... This is not a Second Amendment issue. Nobody's gun is going to be taken away as a result of this legislation. You're still going to have that same right to own that gun. And it is not a Fourth Amendment issue. Again, if you don't want to be stopped, you just simply conceal carry."
NRZ Bill Gains Support
February 24, 2017Representatives Steve Stafstrom and Christopher Rosario are jointly supporting legislation that would increase citizen participation in Neighborhood Revitalization Zone ("NRZ") committees.
Governor's Budget Highlights
February 8, 2017As you may know, Governor Malloy gave his annual Budget address today. Now that the Budget process is underway, I wanted to share some highlights from his presentation with you.
Leadership Gains In House Appointments
January 9, 2017I welcome and am very pleased by my appointments and the House leadership gains by Bridgeport's legislative delegation announced by Speaker Aresimowicz.
Funding For Klein Memorial
November 15, 2016I am pleased the State Bond Commission has approved $2,650,000 to Bridgeport's Klein Memorial Auditorium for the installation of an elevator, technology improvements and code required improvements.
Rep. Stafstrom Hails New School
October 24, 2016After visiting the new Geraldine Claytor Magnet Academy there is no question that the school is going to make a positive difference for the neighborhood and more importantly in the lives of the students.
Support For Sikorsky Agreement
October 4, 2016Approval of an agreement keeping Sikosky Aircraft in Stratford is one of the most important votes we have taken in the General Assembly this year and I am pleased to have voted in support of that agreement because it is so vital to the economic future of not only Connecticut, but for so many Bridgeport workers.