Rep. Stafstrom Announces Legislation Punishing Obstruction of State Legislative Process
February 11, 2021In response to the horrific insurrection at the U.S. Capitol January 6, State Representative Steve Stafstrom (D - Bridgeport) has introduced legislation updating Connecticut’s statute prohibiting interference with the operations of the Connecticut General Assembly and legislative process.
Stafstrom Commends Governor's Announcement to Close Northern Correctional Institution
February 8, 2021"Northern Correctional Institution is a relic of the dark and barbaric "tough on crime era" that was literally built to feel like the walls were caving in. It stood in contrast to all the progress we have made in this state to be "smart on crime" and invest in rehabilitation and reentry," said State Rep. Steve Stafstrom.
Phase 1B Vaccine Rollout Transitions to Tiered Approach
January 21, 2021I know we are all anxiously awaiting the roll out of the vaccine and that it seems near impossible to keep up with the latest news on when we all might be eligible and able to get an appointment. Here is the latest information I have. As of now, the State of Connecticut is expecting to receive only about 45,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses on a weekly basis from the federal government.
Some Good News - CT Likely To End FY '21 With Budget Surplus
January 15, 2021While the COVID-19 pandemic has hit all states extraordinarily hard financially, it's important to recognize glimmers of hope when we see them. Which is why I am excited to share with you some excellent news about Connecticut's fiscal picture!
COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Update
January 13, 2021Is the state ready to vaccinate people aged 75-plus? 65-plus? I know you have questions.
Utility Bill Assistance for Qualifying Families
January 9, 2021Qualifying Connecticut families can receive energy assistance to help reduce unpaid utility bill balances through the Operation Fuel Online Portal.
On George Floyd and Policing in Connecticut
June 1, 2020As I reflect on the horrible reality of George Floyd being murdered by a police officer in broad daylight, I recall use of force incidents by police officers in our own City and State. These past few days, I have been asked by many folks what we as a state have done and can do in response.
Representative Stafstrom Hails Approval of Nearly $3 Million in Bonding for Judicial Branch
April 16, 2020Today, the State Bonding Commission met for a virtual meeting to approve much-needed Coronavirus aid as well as dozens of other items that will have long term impacts on cities and towns across Connecticut.