Early Voting Available to Residents

March 20, 2024

For the first time, residents can take advantage of the state's new early voting law with Connecticut's April 2 presidential preference primaries.

Early voting is the result of 2023 legislation and a state Constitutional amendment overwhelmingly approved by Connecticut voters in 2022.

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Millions Approved For Home Heating Assistance

February 16, 2024

During Wednesday's session, we approved $17 million in additional cold weather heating assistance funds – many residents and families who receive assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or Operation Fuel will have access to funds to ensure they can heat their homes through the cold weather season.

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Celebrate Black History Month

February 7, 2024

February is Black History Month, a time when we celebrate the many achievements and contributions Black Americans have made to our country as we continue to reckon with the systemic racism from our past that is still prevalent today.

Official recognition of Black History Month started with a proclamation from President Gerald Ford 48 years ago.

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Historic Tax Cuts

January 9, 2024

As a result of fiscally responsible budgeting by the legislature and governor, significant tax relief is on the way for many Connecticut taxpayers in 2024.

Three tax relief measures went into effect on January 1, including the largest income tax cut in state history, an increase in a tax credit aimed at the lowest-income workers, and an expansion of exemptions on certain pension and annuity earnings that will benefit seniors.

One million filers will benefit from a decrease in the rates for the two lowest state income tax brackets:

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