Legislature Helps Fed Workers in Shutdown

January 23, 2019

For more than a month, at least 1,500 federal employees in New Haven and other municipalities around the state have been furloughed or forced to work without pay because of a politically motivated shutdown of government in the nation's capital. To help them the legislature has passed legislation, making available unemployment assistance, interest-free loans of up to $5,000 and other resources for them.

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Access Health CT Deadline Extended

December 20, 2018

There is still time to get quality and affordable health insurance coverage! With several new plan structures available this year, Access Health CT has decided to extend their enrollment period until Tuesday, Jan. 15.

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Access Health CT Renewal Notices Mailed

October 18, 2018

Access Health CT is mailing annual renewal notices this week for health insurance coverage and urging recipients to review the notices carefully. Numerous changes to insurance plans have been made for 2019, making it more important for people to read the notices, and shop and compare the plans starting on Nov. 1.

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New State Laws Taking Effect On Oct. 1

September 15, 2018

Here is a list of just some of the new state laws that take effect on Monday, October 1; please take a moment to look them over, and feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or concerns.

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