2025 Legislative Survey What is your current biggest concern? Please choose up to 3. Cost of living Cost of healthcare Housing concerns Lack of employment/underemployment Crime Retirement worries Other: Enter other: Which taxes are the biggest burden or frustration for you currently? Local (property tax, etc.) State (income tax, car tax, etc.) Federal (income tax, social security, etc.) Is there a specific type? Enter specific type If you could invest state funds into a specific area, what would it be? What is one thing in the state that, if changed, would have a positive impact on your life? What do you think is the best way to support working families with young children? Universal pre-kindergarten (pre-k school available for all families through school system) Increased state support to reduce the cost of child care Make the expanded Child Tax Credit permanent Make all school lunches and breakfasts free of charge up to grade 12 Other: Enter other: What is the best way to support young people and encourage them to stay in CT? Increase public transportation options Create more affordable housing for rent and purchase Increase funding to programs that support first time homebuying or rental support Expand options for state healthcare plans for individuals under a certain age Expand trade school supports Other: Enter other: What is a project(s) that would improve your community through a state investment? What is something that you think someone should be paying more attention to? How can I improve as your State Representative? Would you like to be contacted by my office to discuss your responses or another issue? Yes No How would you like to receive legislative updates from me? Mail Email Social Media Events Contact Information Name Email ZIP/Postal Code Submit