Rep. Cook, Rep. Horn Join Rare Disease Awareness Night Thursday
November 8, 2019I was pleased to join State Representative Maria Horn, D/ Canaan, Cornwall, Goshen, Kent, Norfolk, North Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, Torrington, and the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), to co-host NW CT Rare Disease Awareness Night Thursday, November 7 at the Sullivan Senior Center in Torrington.
The evening provided those who have a rare disease or know someone who does an opportunity to learn more about them, the resources available and how legislators in Connecticut can help.
Speakers included people whose family members have rare diseases.
According to NORD one in 10 people in Connecticut have a rare disease. They need to know they’re not alone. I think this event will let people know there are resources available for them to get the help they need, from getting diagnosed to finding the right medical care and where to go for the care that is needed. It will all be a part of the discussion Thursday night.