Dear Neighbor,
It’s a privilege to represent you in the legislature. Although we have faced many hardships this year, we have accomplished so much and come so far. I am proud I was able to author, introduce, and pass dozens of laws to help you live, work, play, and stay safe in Connecticut.
This session was a busy one as we finalized over 350 bills and resolutions. We increased access to mental health resources, provided additional support for our seniors and schools, and cut taxes for families and businesses.
I worked with my colleagues to pass a bipartisan budget that will strengthen our economy and invest in our infrastructure, sustainability efforts, and education – while providing a historic surplus for our state. The budget offers relief from the effects of COVID-19, helps jumpstart our economy, and invests in our cities and towns, nonprofits and working families. I fought for and secured increased funding for Cheshire, Southington and Wallingford in both Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023 through this budget.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns. You can email me at or call my office at (860) 240-8710.
It is more important than ever that we get our state vaccinated.
Click here to receive information on where and how to get the vaccine.
Leading The Committee On Children
This year, as chair of the Committee, I focused on mental health, keeping kids healthy during Covid, and protecting them from abuse.
- Required all medical professionals in contact with children to complete Suicide Prevention Training to renew their license to practice.
- Required school districts to incorporate social-emotional learning into their professional development programs.
- Allowed students to take up to two mental health days.
- Eliminated fees for Birth-to-Three early intervention services. (PA 21-46)
- Required hospitals to provide information on mental health services to every child in the ED, regardless of their reason for visit. (PA 21-116)
- Required the creation of informational guides on predatory sexual abuse grooming: how to recognize when a child is being groomed, and what to do when abuse has occurred. These guides will be distributed to parents by youth athletic leagues and youth camps. (PA 21-64)
- Passed legislation requiring employees of youth camps and coaches in youth sports leagues to undergo comprehensive background checks. (HB 6417)
Helping Locally
- Secured $1.5 million for Ball and Socket Arts, and an additional $200,000 to get the nonprofit through Phase I of development, and ready for local businesses to move into the West End of Cheshire.
- Partnered with the Local Carpenters Union to build a wheelchair ramp for an 11 year-old boy who is fighting the effects of long-haul Covid.
- We’re in the midst of a Mask Drive! Happy to assist a constituent who wanted to provide masks for kids, I reached out to RW Hine Hardware and other local businesses and residents to donate reusable and disposable masks for kids ages 3 and up and their families. Our first drop off was the Cheshire YMCA Preschool!
- Helped hundreds of constituents solve problems with Department of Labor, Department of Insurance, Office of the Healthcare Advocate, and helped landlords and renters secure rent payments through Unite CT and more.
Lowering Taxes For Connecticut Residents
- Rejected tax hikes on gasoline, insurance policies, and Connecticut homes.
- Maintained a historic balance in the state’s Rainy Day Fund – keeping interest rates low on debt service and contributing to our first credit upgrade in decades.
- Made historic payments on our long-term debt – rejecting proposals to kick the can down the road.
- Ensured unemployment tax rates would not be affected by the surge in pandemic-related layoffs last year. This will provide immediate relief to businesses as we build back our economy. (PA 21-5)
- Eliminated state income taxes on IRA income over time, beginning in the 2023 tax year. (SB 1202)
Tackling Crime
This session, I headed up negotiations on behalf of the Moderate Caucus which resulted in:
- The removal of violent crimes and crimes against children, and all sexual crimes including possession of child pornography from expungement under the Clean Slate Act.
- Required the state Judicial Department to prepare a feasibility report for overhauling the Juvenile Court system to one with more accountability, due back to the Children’s Committee in December 2021, to be acted on in the 2022 session.
- Created a new law of Enticing a Minor to Commit a Criminal Act, aimed at adult gang members who recruit juveniles to break into cars punishable by up to 1 year for first offense, and 5 years for each additional offense.
- Fought for a change in procedure which allows police officers and judges more information on juvenile offenders for the purpose of deeming if detention and incarceration for repeat offenders are warranted at time of arrest.
Taking Care Of Connecticut Restaurants
- Created a tax-free day for restaurants. (SB 1202)
- Continued alcohol to-go and delivery sales by local bars and restaurants. (PA 21-37)
- Approved self-pour beer and wine machines at CT bars. (PA 21-50)
- Cut permit costs for nonprofit and private clubs (like the Army-Navy Club and VFW) (PA 21-10)
- Cut red tape and made outdoor dining a permanent option for bars and restaurants. (SB 1202)
Your Health
Expanded workers’ compensation benefits for PTSD to cover emergency responders, dispatchers, health care providers and corrections officers who were on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. (SB 660)
Reduced out of pocket healthcare costs for Connecticut residents by requiring a drug manufacturer’s coupon to be credited towards the person’s deductible amount or other cost-sharing responsibility, rather than the insurance cost. (PA 21-14)
Due to pandemic guidelines, many of us have used telehealth services for primary care appointments and mental health services over the past year. Recognizing the need to utilize this new technology, we expanded the types of providers authorized to use this technology and required insurance coverage for telehealth services. (PA 21-9)
Supporting Our Seniors
Ensuring that seniors can afford to stay in their homes has been a long-standing priority for me. This law will allow towns to offer property tax credit relief to seniors ages 65 and older.
- Added the right to treat their living quarters as their own home.
- Required nursing homes to provide residents with free internet for virtual monitoring and virtual visitation.
- Added the right to associate and communicate privately with people the patient chooses.
- Added the right for residents to access representatives of the Department of Public Health and the Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
- Extended the bill of rights to residents of assisted living facilities. (PA 21-55)