Cold Weather Protocol, Baby Bonds, and Upcoming Events

January 19, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

Happy Friday - I hope this note finds you safe and warm in this brutal cold.

Below is critical information regarding the governor's activation of Connecticut's severe cold weather protocol, the benefits of the new baby bond program for Bridgeport’s newest babies, and updates on some great upcoming events.

Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about anything shared below.

Severe Cold Weather Protocol
Due to the arctic blast currently impacting most of the U.S., Connecticut's severe weather protocol is effective now through Monday, Jan. 22. The Connecticut Departments of Social Services, Housing, and Mental Health and Addiction Services is coordinating with United Way 2-1-1, the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, and community-based providers to provide transportation for those seeking shelter. If you are in need of shelter, do not hesitate to call 2-1-1 to get connected to these services.

The WebEOC communications network, which enables local, regional, and state emergency management officials and first responders to share up-to-date information about a variety of situations and conditions, has been activated, allowing officials immediate access to critical incoming information.

If you can, refrain from being outdoors. These dangerous conditions are harmful and life-threatening. If you have an animal that needs exercise, please spend minimal time outdoors to keep yourself and your pets safe.

While we persevere through this arctic blast together, the most important thing now is to be safe, be warm, and be smart. Again, if you need a secure place to stay warm, please do not hesitate to call 2-1-1.

Baby Bonds
On Wednesday, Governor Lamont and Treasurer Russell announced 7,810 children born across Connecticut are now automatically eligible for Connecticut's Baby Bonds program. Close to 800 of those babies, over 10% of all eligible, are from here in Bridgeport.

The program, launched last July, places $3,200 in a trust on behalf of each baby born into HUSKY - the state's Medicaid program. Those investments grow over time, and recipients can access that money between the ages of 18-30 to be used for:

  • Buying a home in Connecticut
  • Starting or investing in a Connecticut business
  • Paying for higher education or job training
  • Saving for retirement

The Baby Bonds program is an amazing initiative that will benefit countless families across our state, and I'm thrilled to see its impact already rippling throughout our district.

Bridgeport and Fairfield Legislative Forums
I hope you'll join the Bridgeport and Fairfield delegations for a pair of upcoming legislative forums.

On Wednesday, Jan. 31, please join the Bridgeport delegation from 6-8pm at the Beacon Hall Event Center at Housatonic Community College.

And on Thursday, Feb. 1, please join the Fairfield delegation at 7pm in the Dogwood Room at Fairfield University (1073 North Benson Rd, Fairfield).
We will talk about what to expect at the upcoming session, the work we will be focusing on in our various committees, our legislative priorities, and yours. The legislative session starts Feb. 7, so now is the time to have your voice heard before the work begins at the Capitol! I hope to see you there.
Connecticut League of Conservation Voters 2024 Environmental Summit

Another wonderful opportunity is the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters' 2024 Environmental Summit next Tuesday, Jan. 23 from 9:30am-3:30pm at the Connecticut Science Center (250 Columbus Blvd, Hartford).

The summit will bring together advocates, environmental leaders, experts, and lawmakers. Topics range from climate/energy solutions, an environmental rights amendment, reducing vehicle emissions, and so much more.

Please share this information with those who might find these resources and events helpful and of interest. You can also sign up for future e-mails. Have a wonderful weekend.


Cristin McCarthy Vahey


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