Due to the arctic blast currently impacting most of the U.S., Connecticut's severe weather protocol is effective now through Monday, Jan. 22. The Connecticut Departments of Social Services, Housing, and Mental Health and Addiction Services is coordinating with United Way 2-1-1, the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness, and community-based providers to provide transportation for those seeking shelter. If you are in need of shelter, do not hesitate to call 2-1-1 to get connected to these services.
The WebEOC communications network, which enables local, regional, and state emergency management officials and first responders to share up-to-date information about a variety of situations and conditions, has been activated, allowing officials immediate access to critical incoming information.
If you can, refrain from being outdoors. These dangerous conditions are harmful and life-threatening. If you have an animal that needs exercise, please spend minimal time outdoors to keep yourself and your pets safe.
While we persevere through this arctic blast together, the most important thing now is to be safe, be warm, and be smart. Again, if you need a secure place to stay warm, please do not hesitate to call 2-1-1.