CT League of Conservation Voters Names Representative Mushinsky as a 2019 Environmental Champion
November 19, 2019The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CT LCV) has named State Representative Mary Mushinsky a 2019 Environmental Champion and graded her at a 100 percent for her voting record on environmental issues during the 2019 legislative session.
Heat wave Advisory
July 18, 2019With a heat wave expected to hit the state in the next few days and more hot days ahead, it is critical to take proper safety measures during this humid and hot period and throughout the summer season.
Assessing Wins and Losses This Legislative Session
June 10, 2019We can celebrate the passage of legislation in the recently concluded session, some after years of effort while I am disappointed that certain bills would have to start over next year.
Legislature Approves Wallingford’s Water Line Reimbursement
June 7, 2019Wallingford’s legislative delegation worked together to restore Wallingford’s water line reimbursement costs. This was held up after the town completed the work to supply water to homes on South Broad Street after the state’s grant deadline.
After 18 Years, Connecticut Finally Has a State Water Plan
June 7, 2019The legislature on June 5, 2019 finally ratified the State Water Plan, a technical and policy document 4 years in the making and 18 years in the planning since the legislature first required a water plan in 2001.
Debt-Free College
June 3, 2019To protect Connecticut’s future and give everyone access to higher education, we included in the state budget a policy to allow students attending regional-technical colleges to graduate without debt and encourage them to start their careers in our state.
Paid Family Leave Passes
May 31, 2019After many hours of debate over the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) legislation, the House of Representatives passes the bill, which has already been approved by the Senate.
Green Energy Moves Forward
May 28, 2019The House of Representatives are in session and we passed HB 5002 which is a comprehensive energy bill the will extend virtual net metering for two more years breathing life into the solar power industry.