Upcoming Community Events

April 23, 2021
Just a quick reminder about a few events happening in our community this weekend.
Fairfield Drug Take Back

The next DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is tomorrow. As Co-Chair of Fairfield CARES, I am proud of the coalition members who continue to support and spread the word about the event and the drop box. We are grateful to the Fairfield Police Department for their long time support of the drop box and take back days. This twice annual awareness day draws attention to the Medication Drop-off boxes that are available year-round. The box in Fairfield is located right in the entryway to the Fairfield Police Department between the two doors.

Drop offs of vaping products and electronic nicotine delivery devices (e-cigs, JUUL, etc., batteries removed) are encouraged and accepted.

Follow these CT state guidelines from the CT DEEP for the safe disposal of sharps (needles, such as in EPI-Pens) and other items classified as biomedical waste.

During the last Take Back Day in October 2019, 882,919 pounds (almost 442 tons) of unused or expired prescription medication and vape devices were collected at participating locations.

If you are interested in receiving a medication storage box, to keep medications secure, these are available, in partnership with Fairfield CARES, through the Town of Fairfield Health Department.

Healthy Kids Day

Join the Fairfield YMCA for their annual Healthy Kids Day® TOMORROW from 10am-1pm.

While the in-person event will feature physically distanced activities and be in accordance with CDC and State and our Local Health Department recommendations, the Y aims to provide a carefree morning for children, celebrating what makes a kid, a healthy kid.

The Y is also holding a sock drive to help children in the local shelter.

Please bring a pair of new socks to donate!
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
The Center for Family Justice, Inc.'s 9th Annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes will be a VIRTUAL walk this year.

You can participate by creating your own team, or by joining a team to raise funds anytime throughout the rest of the month! There will also be a live-streamed event held this Saturday, April 24 at 9 am. Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice warm day – a great day to take a walk. Learn more about how to participate and where to watch the event by clicking here.