If you have been collecting COVID-related unemployment, you should be aware of upcoming changes which will affect they way you file for and receive your benefits.
Last year, Connecticut Department of Labor waived the mandatory work search requirement as part of Connecticut’s public health response to the pandemic. The waiver allowed unemployed individuals to receive benefits even though they were not actively searching for work.
Beginning Monday, May 30, 2021, the work search requirement will again be in effect and will require those receiving unemployment to document their efforts to find a job.
If you, as a claimant, have been collecting COVID-related unemployment, you must now make reasonable weekly work search efforts by:
Contacting an employer: Claimants must contact at least one employer per week for work for which the claimant is reasonably suited based upon prior work experience, skills, knowledge, and ability. Claimants may initiate contact online, in person, by phone, or by mail. They must ensure the employer has their call back information for hiring purposes.
Documenting your work search efforts.
Claimants must also engage in at least two of the following or other similar work search activities (either in person or virtually):
Create a personal user profile on a professional networking site.
Contact another employer for a job for which the claimant is reasonably suited as outlined above.
You can record your work search efforts using this form HERE. Beginning in July, claimants will be required to report this information when you file your weekly claim. If you fail to provide this information, it could result in your being denied unemployment for that week.
For a list of frequently asked questions regarding the work search requirement, click HERE. You may also contact the Consumer Contact Center by clicking HERE or by calling 203-941-6868 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.