New Laws in Effect

October 1, 2021

Several new laws in Connecticut will go into effect TODAY, October 1. These laws are a result of the hard work of my colleagues and I during the 2021 session. We worked tirelessly to push for change that would benefit all Connecticut residents. 


Below is a selection of some of the laws that will go into effect today, October 1:

Marijuana and Smoking Restrictions 

  • On October 1st, a portion of PA 21-1 will go into effect.
  • Medical marijuana patients, and caregivers, who are 18 years old or older can start growing up to three mature and three immature plants at home-- with a limit of 12 plants per household. 
  • Smoking of any kind (tobacco, vaping, marijuana) will be prohibited within 25 feet of the any door, window, or vent intake of any building open to the public.

"Bottle Bill"

  • PA 21-58 requires certain retailers to have at least two reverse vending machines on their premises. 
  • It also increases the handling fee paid by the distributors to redemption centers from 2.5 cents per beverage container to 3.5 cents.

Pedestrian Safety  

  • PA 21-28 clarifies the rules for pedestrians in crosswalks 
    • Starting October 1, drivers must slow down or stop if a pedestrian is in the crosswalk or indicated that they are going to cross. 

Breastfeeding in the Workplace

  • Public Act No. 21-27 requires employers to provide a private room or location with an electrical outlet for women to express milk. Employers must also provide a refrigerated space to store the breastmilk.  
  • The law also protects breastfeeding employees from workplace discrimination. 

Addressing Gender Discrimination 

  • PA 21-30 requires employers to offer equal pay for "comparable” work regardless of gender. 
  • Also requires employers to offer prospective applicants and employees a scale of pay among those with similar tasks.

Click here for the complete list of laws that will go into effect today.

Although these laws are a compilation of this year's accomplishments in the legislature, you always have the opportunity to make your voice heard. Please stay active in the legislative processes and stay in touch.