Alliance District Teacher Loan Subsidy Program

August 1, 2022
A teaching staff that mirrors the diversity of the student body it serves provides the best educational outcomes for our kids.

That is why I am pleased to share details on the Alliance District Teacher Loan Subsidy Program (ADTLS) that aims to increase recruitment of a diverse teaching staff in the alliance schools by allowing the refinancing of student loans at a lower interest rate.

Since both Groton and New London are part of the Alliance District program, we welcome this Teacher Loan Subsidy Program to help teachers in our community.

When teachers refinance to a Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority (CHESLA) alliance district teacher loan, their interest rate will be reduced by a three-percentage point subsidy compared to the standard finance rate.

Alliance District Teacher Loan Subsidy Program Details
Program Application
I am looking forward to the savings in the ADTLS having a positive effect on increasing recruitment and retention in our state's most vulnerable schools and encourage you to share this information for best possible reach.