Insurance Companies are Proposing a Rate Hike

August 8, 2022
Insurance companies have requested that the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) approve a rate increase by an average of 20.4% for plans starting in 2023, a steep spike from the 8.6% average rate increase request for 2022. Insurers claim this proposed hike is a result of the rising costs of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, but it comes at a time when we are already facing the highest inflation rates in 40 years.
You have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments to the insurance companies proposing these rate hikes!
On Monday, August 15th at 9:00 AM, the CID will host a public meeting to receive public input on the proposed rate increases filed by CIGNA Health & LifeCTCare Inc.CTCare Benefits Inc., and the ConnectiCare Insurance Company, Inc.
The Monday meeting will offer a hybrid participation platform. Anyone wishing to view the meeting virtually can watch on CT-N. Anyone who wants to speak virtually at the meeting via Zoom can sign up by clicking the button below to send an email with your name and written comments attached.
Virtual Sign-Up Email
Anyone wishing to view the meeting in person can watch it at the Legislative Office Building. Anyone who wants to speak in person can sign up on the morning of the meeting, just ahead of its 9:00 AM start time – 8:30 AM.
The CID is also seeking your input on increased rate proposals filed by AetnaAnthem Health Plans, and United Healthcare/Oxford for the 2023 plan year. You can view the rate requests and provide public comment by clicking the button below.
Learn More and Provide Public Comment