Urging Adoption of Advanced Clean Cars II and Clean Trucks Standards
October 31, 2023Today, Chairs of the Energy and Technology Committee, the Transportation Committee, and the Environment Committee including state Senators Rick Lopes (D-Berlin, Farmington, New Britain) and Christine Cohen (D-Branford), along with State Representatives Jonathan Steinberg (D-Westport), Roland Lemar (D-New Haven) and Joseph Gresko (D-Stratford) are issuing a statement urging the adoption of the Advanced Clean Cars II and Clean Trucks standards proposed by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection that are pending in front of the 14-member bipartisan Legislation Regulation Review Committee.
“The clean car and truck emissions standards updates are an important and practical step forward for the state of Connecticut. As chairs of the Energy and Technology Committee, Transportation Committee and the Environment Committee in the legislature, we are deeply committed to supporting this effort to clean up CT’s air while also successfully positioning our state for the future powered by clean energy. With unprecedented levels of federal funding coming to Connecticut, coupled with state incentives and millions of dollars of investments in charging infrastructure, we are confident in the state’s ability to make the shift towards zero emissions cars by 2035 (with trucks after that). Furthermore, as representatives of both urban and rural neighborhoods, we will ensure that these regulations do not leave anyone behind by working with the administration to prioritize investments in vulnerable areas that have been burdened by poor air quality for decades. As we see our region and the auto industry moving in this direction, we will continue to partner over the next twelve years with fellow legislators and the administration on additional policies to help make this a smooth transition – this timeline allows plenty of opportunity for Connecticut to do this right and plenty of time to adjust benchmarks if unforeseen obstacles arise. We urge our colleagues on the Legislative Regulation Review Committee to carry out their important task of ensuring these emissions standards are authorized by law.”