Jennifers' Law

June 5, 2021
Connecticut's current domestic violence laws fall short of offering comprehensive support and protection for survivors.
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Bills to Reduce Car Break-ins

June 3, 2021

Car thefts and break-ins have been a national problem for several years now. Although data shows that these crimes have been steadily decreasing state-wide, we have seen a large spike in Central Connecticut since the start of the pandemic.

The legislature has taken action to prevent and deter these crimes. 

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SB 1 Passes the House!

June 2, 2021

Yesterday, the House sent a powerful piece of legislation to the Governor’s desk. S.B. 1 declares that racism is a public health crisis in our state.

Earlier this year, the CDC issued a statement which declared, in part, that “racism, both structural and interpersonal, are fundamental causes of health inequities, health disparities and disease.”

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