News on the Reworld Plant

August 13, 2024

Many of you know that the Reworld facility, formerly known as the Covanta incinerator, applied for a modification of their permit so they can burn biomedical waste at the facility. This is an issue important to many of us in Bristol, including myself, so I want to take a moment to talk about some critical details about the facility's potentially modified permit.

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New Opening of Riordan Playground

August 12, 2024

A new playground is coming to Federal Hill Green, and you will get the chance to vote on how the playground is going to look like. Voting is open until Thursday, August 29.

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Unemployment is Dropping

July 25, 2024

The Connecticut Department of Labor's mid-year report came out and it carried some great news. The unemployment rate has dropped in Connecticut, and there is new highs for job gains.

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