Dr. Jaime S. Foster is serving her third term as State Representative in the Connecticut General Assembly, proudly serving the 57th District of Ellington, East Windsor, and Vernon. She currently serves as the House Chair of the Veterans' and Military Affairs Committee, as well as a member of the Banking Committee and Energy and Technology Committee.
Before being elected to serve in the General Assembly, Dr. Foster served on the Ellington Human Services Commission, the Board of Education, and the State’s Milk Promotion Board. She continues to serve on the Ellington Farmers Market Board of Directors.
Dr. Foster is an alumnus of UCONN’s College of Agriculture Health and Natural Resources; she received her B.S. in Dietetics and subsequently completed the internship and testing requirements to be a Registered Dietitian. She obtained her MS and Doctorate in Nutritional Sciences at UCONN College of Agriculture Health and Natural Resources and completed her post-doctoral training at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity.
Dr. Foster is the only scientist in the legislature. She's proud to bring a critical and data-driven eye to policies to address CT's biggest challenges. As such, this year, along with the CT Scholar Strategy Network, she convened the first annual Moving Beyond Implications conference which offered researchers and scholars the opportunity to present their policy-minded scholarship to bipartisan legislators interested in evidence-based policymaking.
Dr. Foster is committed to advocating for meaningful change that will improve the lives of those in the community and focuses on district priorities every session. She's championed legislation to improve the lives of children, families, seniors, farmers, emergency services and public safety folks, educators, healthcare providers, and more!