Some Bills We've Passed This Session

May 3, 2024

We're racing towards the end of session as we pass a number of bills that will be crucial to protecting and supporting countless Connecticut residents. Some of the bills we've passed include:

✅HB 5226 - Protecting our environment: Establishes a state stewardship program to manage the collection and recycling of certain batteries.
✅HB 5280 - State law enforcement will join the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN) databank making firearms easier to track.
✅HB 5430 - Requires a study on migraine treatment for women and veterans, who disproportionately are affected by migraine disorders

✅HB 5279 - Expands eligibility for families of firefighters and police officers who die in the line of duty to receive benefits.
✅HB 5399 - Protects victims of sexual assault by improving the training and responsibilities of first responders and the Office of Victim Services.
✅HB 5422 - Strengthens the response to hate and bias crimes.
✅HB 5458 - Maximizes efforts to aid housing insecure and homeless persons
✅HB 5198 – Protects healthcare patients and providers by expanding telehealth provisions adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic until June 30, 2027
✅HB 5320 - Improves hospital financial policies
✅HB 5239 - Expands the Collegiate Awareness and Preparation program

✅HB 5200 - Improves access to healthcare for disabled people
✅HB 5436 - Makes it easier to become a teacher in Connecticut

✅SB 395- Prohibits Connecticut healthcare entities from reporting medical debt to credit agencies
✅HB 5437 - Creates the Educator Professional Development Mandate Review Advisory Council, which will advise on the costs and effects of mandates related to educator professional development and in-service training.
✅SB 222 - Expands Paid Family Medical Leave to include employees who work at businesses that operate on federally recognized tribal land.

Session ends May 08, meaning we still have plenty of time to pass more legislation to help our community.