Supporting Seniors

April 29, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

As the elderly population steadily grows, there is an urgency to provide resources and assistance to this community.  As the co-chair of the Aging committee, it is my responsibility to push for legislation that will benefit older residents in our state. I worked tirelessly with my fellow co-chairs, members of the Aging committee, and Speaker Ritter to craft legislation that protects seniors and meaningfully changes elder care. 

I am proud to announce that HB 5001, an omnibus bill that does just that, passed in the House on Monday with bipartisan support.

This legislation:
  • Makes it easier for seniors to age in place
  • Creates a nursing home database, providing consumers with an easy and reliable way to compare locations around the state
  • Establishes incentives to encourage nursing homes to improve care

Thank you to everyone who helped make this important bill a reality.  HB 5001 now moves to the Senate for its consideration.

If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, I can be reached by phone at 1-800-842-8267 or by email at For legislative updates, please like my Official Facebook Page.


Jane Garibay
State Representative


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