Sirius Courage Award and East Hartford Farmers' Market

June 21, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

A few months ago, I had the honor of receiving the Sirius Courage Award. The award highlights an individual who advocates on the behalf of Connecticut’s professional working canines. In 2017, I helped craft legislation that created K9 Veterans Day, an annual recognition of the selfless canine teams that serve and sacrifice daily on behalf of Connecticut’s leadership, citizens and visitors. The Sirius courage award is named after K9 Sirius, who was killed in the World Trade Center terror attacks. Thank you again for this award! 

The Town of East Hartford is excited to announce a new East Hartford Farmers’ Market schedule and location for the 2024 season! Our East Hartford Farmers’ Market will be held Tuesdays from July 9 through October 29 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Town Green / Alumni Park (1047 Main Street).
Please feel free to contact me at the Capitol at 1-800-842-8267 or by email at - also please like my Official Facebook Page for news and legislative updates.



Henry Genga


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