Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, street takeovers have become a national issue, including here in Connecticut. This cannot become the new normal. These takeovers by the illegal use of all-terrain and other types of vehicles, pose a significant threat to public safety, endangering participants, innocent bystanders, and law enforcement officials.
On Wednesday, the House of Representatives took bipartisan and unanimous action to help cities and towns regain control of their streets as we voted 148-0 to pass HB 5413 to control takeovers, which have proven to be a concern for many of our residents.
HB 5413 seeks to provide more tools to municipalities in order to combat street takeovers, including:
- Allowing cities and towns to destroy ATVs, dirt bikes, and motorcycles seized and forfeited for violating a municipal ordinance
- Authorizing municipalities to adopt ordinances that penalize street takeovers and impose fines as well as the seizure of vehicles
- Changing and tightening penalties for violating state law on street takeovers, including permanent driver's license revocation for a third violation of the statute
I am glad my bipartisan vote provides additional tools and increased penalties to cities and towns to help deter street takeovers.
The bill now moves to the Senate for its consideration. |
Norwalk Based Organization Receives State Funding |
Great news! Norwalk based Star Inc. is set to receive $569,323 in state funding through the Nonprofit Grant Program.
This program funds capital projects not typically reimbursed through other funding mechanisms and will support items such as facility alterations, renovations, improvements, and additions; new construction; health, safety, and Americans with Disabilities Act projects; energy conservation improvements; information technology systems; technology that promotes client independence; purchase of vehicles; and acquisition of property.
The funding will be used for the installation of two new ADA-Compliant covered entrance ramps. |
Westport Announces Appeal Period for Proposed FEMA Flood Hazard Determinations |
Deputy Planning and Zoning Director Michelle Perillie has announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is proposing revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for the Town of Westport. The new maps are part of the Saugatuck River watershed flood mapping project and may include additions or modifications of special flood hazard areas, changes in base flood elevations or depths and flood zone designation changes.
The new proposed maps are available for review online at Planning and Zoning - Floodplain and Flood Protection Information Page, or at Planning and Zoning Department, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Westport, CT.
For questions regarding the new mapping or appeals process, please contact Deputy Planning and Zoning Director Michelle Perillie at (203) 341-1076 or mperillie@westportct.gov.
CT DOT Update for Norwalk |
Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 07023 on Interstate 95 On-Ramp at West Avenue in Norwalk
CTDOT is announcing that the start of construction for the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 07023 on Interstate 95 on-ramp will begin on April 18, 2024.
Body of the Message:
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing that the start of construction for the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 07023 Interstate 95 on-ramp will begin on April 18, 2024. The purpose and need for the project is to address the critical condition of the culvert, which exhibits perforations along the culvert invert as well as severe corrosion of the steel culvert. In several locations, the steel protective coating exhibits loss, deteriorations, or is failing and missing all together. Additionally, the project will improve the hydraulic capacity of the system as there has been historic flooding at the I-95 Interchange 15 – intersection of West Avenue with the Route 7 off-ramp and I-95 northbound on-ramp.
CTDOT Project No. 0102-0367 was awarded to Waters Construction Co., Inc. at a cost of $6,356,113.45 on March 4, 2024, and is scheduled to be completed November 4, 2024. This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 3 in New Haven. |
The East Avenue detour planned for April 19 - Monday, April 22 is canceled. East Avenue will have a full closure at the railroad bridge NEXT weekend, April 26-29 and the following weekend, May 3-May 6, 2024. Thank you for your patience during this necessary re-scheduling. Click here to learn more.
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) announced that East Avenue will be closed between Fort Point Street and Winfield Street for roadway improvements under the railroad bridge. East Avenue will be closed, under the railroad bridge between Fort Point Street and Winfield Street, Friday, April 19 through Monday, April 22, and Friday, April 26 through Monday, April 29, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
This project is administered by the Bureau of Engineering and Construction, Office of Construction, District 5 in New Haven.
East Avenue will be closed between Winfield Street and Fort Point Street from April 19 to April 22 and April 26 to April 29. Motorists will be detoured to Van Zant Street and Fort Point Street.
Click here to
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions and concerns you may have - I can be reached at Dominique.Johnson@cga.ct.gov, or through my office phone - 860-240-8585.
Have a great weekend!

Dominique Johnson
State Representative |