Over Half a Million Dollars for Manchester

April 17, 2020

I write to share some good news.

Recently, I worked with my colleagues in the Manchester legislative delegation to advocate for some extra state resources for both the Town of Manchester and the 8th utilities district in the northend of Manchester. This collaborative effort was spearheaded by Rep. Jason Rojas and yesterday, culminated in the State Bond Commission approving $433,648 in extra state funding for the Town of Manchester and $68,425 in extra state funding for the 8th Utilities District in Manchester.

The aid offsets lost revenue due to the presence of tax-exempt manufacturing machinery and equipment. The State Bond Commission also approved $5 million for the state's efforts toward mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic.

The economic impact of COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on our local governing bodies, first responders, taxpayers and families in our community, so this extra state support right now for our community will help alleviate some of the burden.

When state leaders work together with Governor Lamont - we are able to deliver important financial investments in our community and reduce the property tax burden for Manchester families in years to come.

The grant funding approved yesterday should be directly available within 7 days.