Pushing for more PPE; Aging, Disability Services Update

April 13, 2020

As the number of hospitalizations are showing signs of decrease, we are beginning to see hope at the end of the curve. Original estimates of our curves peak were by April 24th, and in the meantime I – like many of you – are staying at home and patiently waiting on the data.

It has been said repeatedly that our focus as a state response is on doing more testing and as widescale as we possibly can. Staying at home and maintaining social distancing have done a tremendous amount and if we can add in massive testing, we will know much more about what is going on in our state. In Stamford, our numbers are high, but we have not reached the critical levels seen in neighboring New York City.

Over the last few weeks, I have been pushing the state to order material with valid sources of PPEs. Private entities and donors have been recruited to help our state government carry costs upfront and secure materials safely and quickly.

An article in the Hartford Courant came out yesterday clearly showing we have PPEs coming. Is it enough?

These modern day "privateers," like the ones we learned in our state's history are doing their part to make more PPE and other supplies available for everyone.

They deserve our thanks.

What else can we do? Mutual Aid to our friends, neighbors, and to those most in need are still critical at this time. Food Drives, medical supplies collection drives, books, school materials, food for our health professionals, and more can be organized by you for our most vulnerable and in need.

(photo credit CT Mirror/Cloe Poisson)

I would like to thank our teams doing all they can with what they have to secure material for our state.

I also would like to send the utmost gratitude again to all the essential workers, but also to those who work from home for our communities. As a legislator, I and our delegation, have had the help and support of each of our staff as they have worked hard helping people throughout Stamford and all of Connecticut navigate our state bureaucracy and triage those who have or come to rely on vital state services.

These efforts individually are not easy, but together we will get through this time.


We are currently facing a real hardship with our nursing homes and so please see the latest news below and do not hesitate to comment or send us questions.

Maintaining a safe social distance, proper hygiene at home and in public and wearing protective material if and when you can are key to controlling the spread. In this time we have to remember safe self care, and at the same time be vigilant for our community. We can overcome this pandemic but only if we take care of everyone and each other. We are all in the same "boat"

Stay safe, stay well, stay home and do not panic and remember for the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in CT, including a FAQ and other guidance and resources, please visit ct.gov/coronavirus