Elimination of Single-use Styrofoam Containers Bill Passes

May 21, 2019

HB 5384, An Act Requiring the Elimination of Single-use Styrofoam Containers receives bipartisan support and passes the House earlier today.

The bill aims to address environmental and health concerns by prohibiting the use of polystyrene containers by restaurants and other food establishments. Polystyrene products are not easily recyclable and are not biodegradable. Additionally, many have argued that these products also have negative public health implications. When heated, the chemical components that make up polystyrene, styrene and benzene, are broken down and released. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, these chemicals are potential carcinogens.

The legislation allows us to protect our environment and I am proud of the House for taking the necessary action!

The bill will now be considered by the Senate and to learn more, click here.