East Hartford Connects Resources

August 14, 2020

East Hartford CONNects Career Consultation
Our Career navigator is available now to help all East Hartford Residents seeking opportunities and employment. Contact us today at EHCinfo@easthartford.org or at 860-371-7984.
EHC Neighbor Night
EHC Residents Advisory Council will be hosting their neighbor Night event this upcoming Wednesday August 19that 4pm via Zoom. Please join the conversation on How to navigate opportunities during unemployment and the journey towards employment in times of COVID-19. 
Join ZOOM Meeting by clicking here
Meeting ID: 794 8031 6794
Passcode: RAC108
5th Annual Back-To-School Backpack Giveaway- Register today to get your free backpack filled with school supplies!
EHPS, Office Of Family and Community Partnerships and the Town of East Hartford will be teaming up to offer the 5th annual Backpack giveaway on August 17th,18th,and 19th from 9-12pm at the YMCA located at 777 Main Street in East Hartford. Registration is required. Sign up today @ Garcia.y@easthartford.org
School Uniforms
Getting ready for this school year, Looking for Uniforms? Visit JB Pride In East Hartford 70 Tolland Street. Store hours are, Tuesday - Friday 10-5 and Saturday 10-3pm.  They are open and ready to help you find the uniforms you need to be ready for the first day! Curb Side Pick Up is also available contact JB Pride at 844-527-8643 # 501
East Hartford Resource Center
East Hartford Resource Center is enrolling families for their 2020 fall school year. Click here to view information on their new virtual classroom and how to register. 

CT SNAP Households May Qualify for Food Replacement Benefits Following Storm Power Outages
If your SNAP household experienced food loss due to the power outages caused by recent Tropical Storm Isaias, you may qualify for food replacement SNAP benefits. To apply, you will need to complete two forms to demonstrate proof of food loss. 
The deadline to apply for these benefits has been extended to September 3rd, 2020 due to a recent federal waiver Connecticut received.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call the End Hunger CT! SNAP Call Center at 866-974-7627 (bilingual English and Spanish), and our knowledgeable Associates would be happy to assist you. 
Read more information on SNAP and further details about replacement benefits from our partner at the CT Department of Social Services (DSS) by clicking here.
Greater Hartford Legal Aid
As courts return to full operation, an impending onslaught of evictions puts hundreds, possibly thousands, of people in our community at risk of becoming homeless. Pre-COVID, there were too few legal aid lawyers to help all those at risk of eviction; the massive unemployment and disruption due to the pandemic has exacerbated this. Your pro bono legal assistance can make a huge difference.  Your help for even a short time could help fill the gap. GHLA staff will provide appropriate training. You gain the satisfaction of helping people in crisis; and people facing eviction receive crucial legal representation. Contact Executive Director Jamey Bell at jbell@ghla.org if your office can assist.

Employment and Training Opportunities
Inmates to Entrepreneurship program
Every year, over 600,000 people will leave prison and attempt to rejoin their neighbors as productive members of society. Despite seeking employment at rates higher than the general population, formerly incarcerated individuals are half as likely to get a job because of their incarceration and face unemployment rates five times the national average. In the Google era, a simple web search ensures that no one can ever truly escape their past.

Their mission is to assist people with a criminal background in starting their own business by providing entrepreneurship education through in-person and online courses.
Click here for more information on how to join the program.

National Career Fairs Events
Please follow the link below to be informed on all Job fairs happening in our state. https://www.nationalcareerfairs.com/connecticut/

October Online Career Expo for Job Seekers with Disabilities- Please click here on the link below for information on how to register.