World Ocean Day

June 9, 2021
Yesterday was World Oceans Day!

Let's talk about the importance of healthy oceans for our constituents and state and nation.

The most obvious thing is that no one wants to swim in dirty waters, and no one wants plastic and other solids or chemical pollution to harm the wildlife.

However there is much more to it! We need to work on sharing this information with everyone. Our marine ecosystem is a crucial part of our life support system. Keystone species such as our North Atlantic Right Whales are the gardeners of the seas and maintain our phytoplankton that is responsible for 60 to 80% of the oxygen in the air we breathe, is food for the zooplankton, and is responsible for huge Carbon absorption which keeps our temperatures from rising faster.

In fact our very own existence on our planet depends on this incredible ecosystem and its biodiversity so we need to do everything we can to protect our frontline of defense against climate change: our oceans!

Various industries including heavy gear industrial fishing fleets, trawlers, sonar blasting, many types of noise pollution, affect our very fragile and beautiful oceanic life.

So stand up with me and help educate the public but also let us draft legislation to stop the insanity.

As the great Captain Paul Watson says, if the Oceans, die we die!

World Ocean Day