Today is World Bike Day

June 3, 2021

Happy World Bicycle Day! Individuals around the world ride bikes for a myriad of reasons - exercise, competition, as a means of transportation, etc. 

Bike rides are an excellent way to get fresh air and enjoy the scenery in your community. Click here to learn more about bike trails in Connecticut. 

Drivers must do their part and share the road with bike riders. Here are some driving tips to keep our cyclists safe:

  • Be considerate of vulnerable road users, show patience and respect 
  • Give cyclists a wide berth when overtaking 
  • When turning, watch for cyclists approaching 
  • Signal early to give cyclists plenty of time to see your intended maneuver when turning
  • If you believe cyclists have not seen your indication, stop and use your horn to alert them
  • If driving in the dark and approaching a cyclist, dip your headlights
  • Look out for cyclists before opening your car door