US Coast Guard's Birthday & Equal Pay for Black Women

August 4, 2021

Happy 231st Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)! To all of our active and retired Coast Guard service members, thank you for protecting the public and the environment on our nation's waterways, along the coast, and on international waters.

As an activist in 2015, I called the USCG for Storm-water issues due to the dumping of excessive black heaps of snow on our catch basins down by the beach. This resulted in an outflow of silver plumes into the sounds. The USCG acted swiftly to keep our community and the sound both clean and safe, I will always be grateful to the work they did.
USCG inspecting the black heaps of Stamford - April 2015 - photos from David Michel
I also want to take time and share and important reminder that yesterday was Equal Pay Day for Black women.
Imagine having to work seven extra months just to earn the same pay as a male co­-worker. If you’re a Black woman in the United States, that’s a likely reality. New research from the American Association of University Women examines how systemic racism – decades of discriminatory employment practices, intentionally inadequate legal protections and persistent racial stereotypes — has contributed to a pay gap that remains far wider for women of color than for white women.

Read the report here.