
January 5, 2022

Happy New Year! While we had hoped that this year would be a completely fresh start from COVID, as you have seen from the news, our infection rate is very high due to the Omicron variant. Vaccination still remains the best way to not end up in the hospital as approximately 70% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated.

Friday morning, CCMC is hosting a Q and A for parents (information below).

Hats off to both Avon and Canton for getting the first round of self-tests and N95 masks distributed with special thanks to the Police and Fire Departments. Avon is awaiting news of when more kits will be available for distribution and Canton will host a distribution tomorrow. Details below.

As we are getting ready for the 2022 session to begin, in addition to all of the work we engage in with helping constituents every day with big and small issues, now is the time we hear from constituents and stakeholders alike about their legislative priorities. Each day is filled with meetings and learning sessions designed to help us as legislators do our best work.

Canton to Distribute COVID Test Kits on Thursday

The Town of Canton will be distributing COVID-19 at-home rapid test kits on Thursday, January 6 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in front of the Canton Police Station located at 45 River Road. The Town will have a total of 800 kits to distribute on a first come, first served basis while supplies last.


Test kits will be distributed on both sides of River Road using a drive-through process. Residents must have an ID or other document as proof of CANTON residency to receive test kits. The town is asking that you have the identification available when you arrive at the distribution site. There will be a limit of one test kit per vehicle. Each kit contains two tests.

Ask the Experts: CCMC Virtual Series Continues Friday

The "Ask the Experts" is a program targeted at community pediatricians and was launched at the beginning of the pandemic. Host Dr. John Schreiber, provides an update on COVID epidemiology and trends. The series features a wide range of experts who comment on the various implications of the pandemic.

Given the current state of the pandemic and the highly contagious omicron variant, I thought this session may be of interest.

The latest installment is set to run Friday, January 7, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. You can watch by clicking on the image below:

Connecticut Children's

COVID-19 Update for Wednesday January 5, 2022

As the State of Connecticut continues taking actions in response to the global spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Governor Ned Lamont provided the following updates as of 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. Please click on the image for the complete update.

COVID-19 Update

Understanding Endometriosis

The last few months, I have served on the Endometriosis Working Group started by State Representative Jillian Gillchrest (D-West Hartford). We've heard from many women and organizations and you can find those sessions on Her recent opinion piece details the condition and why it's critical that it receives more attention as it affects a significant portion of women. I hope you'll take a moment to read her piece and watch some of the sessions, including the one below.

Some recommendations from the group so far include training for healthcare providers, a toolkit for school nurses, and education for students as part of human growth and development. As with all working groups, some recommendations may end up as proposed legislation and it will be interesting to see what this session brings.


Earned Income Tax Credit for 2020 to be Retroactively Enhanced

"Governor Lamont has directed the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services to retroactively enhance the 2020 Connecticut Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from 23% of the federal credit to 41.5%.The additional state tax refund will provide needed economic support to low-to-moderate income working individuals and families disproportionately burdened by COVID-19 and its negative economic impacts.

"The enhancement will benefit 198,708 households that earned up to $56,844 in 2020..."

For more details please click on the press release below:

Press release

Relief Program Now Available for CT Essential Workers Impacted by COVID-19

The Connecticut Essential Workers COVID-19 Assistance Fund is now up and running. It was authorized by the legislature in June for the purpose of easing the financial burden on essential workers who became ill and were unable to work, or died, between March 10, 2020 and July 20, 2021.

The program assists with:

  • Lost Wages – Unpaid leave and lost wages if an employee was unable to work after contracting COVID-19, or due to symptoms later diagnosed as COVID-19.
  • Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses – For medical services related to contracting COVID-19 that were not covered by insurance.
  • Burial Expenses – Burial/funeral expenses of $3,000 for an eligible essential worker who died from COVID-19.

Families can also apply for any combination of the three benefits on behalf of a qualified essential worker who died after contracting COVID-19. The program can distribute up to $34 million on a first-come, first-served basis through June 30, 2024, or until the fund is depleted. The application portal is now open and can be accessed by clicking on the image below.

Essential Workers

The program stands to help thousands of first responders, hospital workers and many more who put their lives on the line to help Connecticut stay safe.

If you or someone you know is eligible and in need of assistance, please apply and share the information about the Connecticut Essential Workers COVID-19 Assistance Fund with them so they can apply, too.

Reminder: Operation Fuel Can Provide Energy, Utility Assistance for Those in Need

Here is another reminder about Operation Fuel, a great resource for those struggling to pay electric, water, or other utilities. Please click on the image below for more details.

Operation Fuel