Celebrating Women's History Month
March 15, 2023Since 1980, March has been designated as a time where we celebrate and reflect upon the women who have inspired change throughout history, and recognize those who continue to fight for the fair and equitable treatment of women and girls in our country and around the world.
President Jimmy Carter issued the first Presidential Proclamation declaring the Week of March 8, 1980 as National Women’s History Week. In 1987 Congress designated March as “Women’s History Month.”
House Democrats are also thrilled to celebrate the many accomplishments of women in Connecticut and beyond throughout the month of March, and all year!
Once such woman was affectionately known as "la madrina" (the godmother) of the Hartford Puerto Rican community. Maria Clemencia Colón Sanchez served the city as advocate, listener and mentor and earned tremendous respect citywide. She advocated for bilingual education in public schools and served on the Hartford Board of Education. In 1988, she became the first Hispanic woman elected to the Connecticut General Assembly.
Learn more about Women's History Month and the State of Connecticut's long history of women's movements.
Let us continue to make Connecticut a safer and a more fair and equitable place for women and girls. Join us in recognizing the achievements of women who continue to inspire us and pave the way for the next generation of female leaders and innovators.