Victory for Nonbinary Residents, Those With Food Allergies, and All Drivers

May 22, 2023

The House of Representatives will be in session on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week at  the State Capitol. We are working on passing bills that help children, seniors, and everyone else in between. Please read below to learn more about our accomplishments last week.

HB 6866: The ultimate goal of this bill is to create a box so that people don’t feel boxed in. The proposal would give the state the green light to eventually give residents the option to select a nonbinary gender on state forms and applications. 

Many thanks to reps State Representative Jeff Currey and Matt Blumenthal and all those involved in this since 2019. The passage of this bill is great news for those who have been boxed into a gender on state forms.



✅ HB 5902 establishes standards that customers alert staff about their allergies. This bill will also require informational posters at restaurants to ensure increased safety and awareness. I want to thank Sanskriti Kumar of Stamford for her efforts in initiating and pushing for a bill to ensure people are properly informed about allergens in restaurants. I also wish Sanskriti nothing but success as she attends Claremont McKenna College.

 HB 6746 takes action to help avoid wrong-way crashes and deaths. The bill calls on installing wrong-way detection and notification systems on at least 120 highway exit ramps.


✅ HB 6892: Putting teeth in municipal blight laws to increase the tools towns have to deal with abandoned, blighted and unsafe properties.

✅ HB 6918: Chambers of Commerce and business leaders cheered when we passed groundbreaking clean slate legislation. We passed mainly technical issues to get this policy moving forward.

✅ HB 6775: Expands protections for seniors by increasing the number of mandated reporters for suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation or when a senior needs protective services.

✅ HB 6872: Will ensure election officials and presidential electors do their duty as prescribed by law.

✅ HB 5314: Attention consumers! Under HB 5314 businesses will no longer be able to charge your credit card, debit card, or third-party payment account without your consent for automatic renewal or continuous services.

✅ HB 6561: Protecting our children is the most important part of youth athletic competition. HB 6561 creates a task force that will study safety measures for all sports.

✅ HB 6077: Connecticut has a rich history of remarkable stories. HB 6077 establishes a process to add additional statues outside the Capitol that reflect the diversity, character, and accomplishments of the state.

✅ H.B. 6820 protects Connecticut providers performing safe and legal reproductive health care services to those who need it.

✅ HB 6898 requires the Attorney General’s Office to submit a report on the settlement agreement with Juul Labs. In April, Juul Labs agreed to a $462 million settlement between six states, including Connecticut, for their role in marketing addictive nicotine products to teens.     

✅ HB 6677 will require the Department of Social Services to develop a plan that will increase the number of residents eligible to receive adult day services.

All of these bills must now get through the Senate and get a signature from Governor Ned Lamont before they can become law.