Bonding for Middletown

June 30, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,

I am pleased to announce the Northern Middlesex YMCA in Middletown will receive
$2 million in state bonding. This funding will help support renovations and equipment for youth-serving areas.

Middletown's young people deserve spaces that cultivate their creativity, challenge their minds and support their social and emotional well-being. This takes a community. The renovations made at the Northern Middlesex YMCA and new equipment will be a major upgrade to the facility and will help to enhance programming for our youth.

The State Bond Commission also approved $1.95 million for renovations at Battell Hall at the Connecticut Valley Hospital. Funding would renovate the in-patient mental health building to update rooms to current patient requirements and bring the facility up to building code requirements.

I thank Governor Lamont, the State Bond Commission, and our community partners for helping  secure this funding.


Kai Belton
State Representative

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