Protecting Our Democracy

October 3, 2023

My wife and I celebrated our 40th anniversary in September and took a long awaited vacation that we planned months in advance. As such, I missed the Special Session where my colleagues approved the nominee for the Connecticut Supreme Court as well as moving the Connecticut primary date from late to early April. Although I couldn’t cast my votes along with my colleagues, I fully support the measures that were voted on.

When I returned however, I could not miss the article in the Associated Press that told the following story:

“Surveillance videos of a woman making multiple early morning trips to stuff papers into an absentee ballot drop box prompted Connecticut election officials to open an investigation Wednesday into possible fraud in the mayoral primary in Bridgeport, the state’s largest city.”

I am saddened, embarrassed, and angry, concerning allegations involving at least one person in the Democratic Party of Connecticut, of which I am a member, who may have taken multiple absentee ballots and returned them to at least two if not more absentee ballot boxes. The video that was shared is disturbing. The return of more than one ballot, which should be your own, is against the law.

During a time in our country’s history where it has become common to claim voter fraud and rigged elections, even when no proof exits, maintaining and ensuring the trust in our elections has always been a top priority for my colleagues and me. To protect the integrity of the voting system is to protect the integrity of our democracy.

To be fully transparent, I have refrained from making public comments regarding the events that occurred in Bridgeport because the United States is built on the rule of law, and no one has been charged. However, as a member of the General Assembly who supports greater access to voting including the right to no-excuse absentee ballots, I have a responsibility to comment on the investigation of the events that occurred.

I support the Governor’s call that “no stone be left unturned” while conducting an impartial investigation. I would also support involvement from the Attorney General and the Secretary of the State to ensure there is no bias from state or local officials. I also support the call for a new special election that would assure the voters of Bridgeport and the voters of Connecticut that their votes mattered and were secure.

Additionally, I would like to see both of Bridgeport’s candidates as well as all the members of their city’s Town Committee included in this investigation. Any party official who knew of the alleged behavior should be included in the investigation and possible prosecution.

Finally, if there is evidence that a crime was committed I would call for the maximum prosecution of everyone involved. To manipulate an election through voter fraud in a democracy is an attack to our country’s values and foundational ideals.

Elections will continue if people trust that their votes are counted accurately. It is my responsibility to continue supporting increased access to voting rights including absentee balloting and early balloting, but I am working to have safeguards in place to ensure their accuracy and legitimacy. It is also every citizen’s responsibility to participate in free and fair elections and to protect our democracy.

I call on all of us to commit to our calling of civic engagement. It is time for us to take responsibility for our heritage of freedom and democracy.