Stamford 5G AT&T Contract Proposal Debate

October 18, 2023

I invite you to watch tonight’s Stamford Board of Representatives meeting where they will discuss the contract AT&T is proposing to install “small cells” or 5G antennas in our city. The contract would give the telecom giant the right-of-way on "small cells" that would go on city poles that have the room for it and on poles AT&T would plant wherever there is no room for their antennas as a right-of-way.  The meeting starts at 7:00 P.M. and you can watch it online.


The Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee has invited Dr. Devra Davis from Environmental Health Trust, who is the leading expert and scientist in Electro Magnetic Radiation and its impact on humans, B. Blake Levitt, a former New York Times science writer who has been writing peer reviewed studies in EMR for decades including the latest on the effect of 5G on Fauna and Flora, Kent Chamberlin from the New Hampshire 5G Commission, and more experts including a lawyer that participated in the lawsuit that defeated the Federal Communications Commission.

The corporate council is also bringing its own guests. CLICK HERE to see tonight's meeting agenda.

Dr. Devra Davis discusses health effects of 5G and "small cells."