State Health Plan Change to LGBTQ+ Fertility Coverage

October 19, 2023

I’m proud to announce the state employee health plan has been changed to be more inclusive and remove discriminatory barriers to family planning for LGBTQ+ Plan members. This means the plan is now offering fertility services to everyone who wants to have a family!

The LGBTQ+ community is no longer willing to wait for justice, and this modification shows that Connecticut continues to be a leader in fairness, equality, and inclusivity. It also gives us hope that we’re getting rid of unnecessary obstacles and moving in the right direction.

Huge win for LGBTQ+ state workers who are trying to start a family.


Thank you to Comptroller Sean Scanlon for recognizing the injustice and making a swift change to the policy. I also thank Rep. Jeff Currey for being a strong advocate for the LGBTQ+ community.

Comptroller Scanlon, advocates, and I are now asking private companies to follow in the state’s footsteps and adjust their insurance plans to support family planning for the LGBTQ+ community.