Local Events, Capitol Updates, and more

October 27, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,

Happy Friday! In this week's eblast, you can read about amazing local events, what's happening at the Capitol, and more. You can click on the links below to navigate between sections.

Connecticut Children's Hospital Foundation Mini-Internship
Participating in Connecticut Children's Hospital's mini-internship this week was remarkable. I got to spend the day doing rounds with the Hospitalists, where doctors pointed out children on their in-patient floor for over 8 months because there is not the home care workforce to safely discharge them.

Then I was able to meet with the Behavioral Health team, tour the Behavioral Health Emergency Department, see children overflowing the unit, and witness how much need there continues to be for us to support our youth and their mental health. What I heard over and over was the need for a continuum of care so that these patients and their families have places to step down care so they can leave the hospital setting and successfully reintegrate back into their homes.

I also had conversations with everyone about the importance of raising our Medicaid rates - work that I remain deeply committed to.

More than anything else, I gained an immensely deep appreciation for the standard of care at every level at CT Children’s. We are very fortunate to have this world class hospital committed to our children's health and well-being here in CT. Thank you Connecticut Children's Hospital for the opportunity!

CEAP Energy Assistance Program
There's still time to apply for benefits through Connecticut's Energy Assistance Program! The deadline to submit applications for the 2023-2024 winter heating season is May 31, 2024. Enrollment for the program occurs on annual basis so even if you received assistance last year, you will need to re-apply. For more information on eligibility and how to apply, click here.
Veterans and Military Affairs Informational Hearing
The Veterans and Military Affairs Committee is hosting an informational public hearing on Wednesday, November 8. Veterans, personnel, advocates, and loved ones are invited to share issues or concerns related to veterans and military affairs in Connecticut. If this pertains to you, I hope you'll join!
Domestic Violence Bills Passed in Connecticut
Connecticut is committed to protecting survivors and holding offenders accountable. 

Learn more about Connecticut's domestic violence laws here: https://shorturl.at/dfBIS
Social Media and Youth Mental Health Event
The Fairfield CARES Community Coalition is hosting a virtual event on Thursday, November 2 about the impact that social media has on our youth's mental health. Dr. Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz, an adolescent psychiatrist at Silver Hill Hospital, will provide parents with the information they need to guide their child's use of social media.

If you're interested in this important event, you can register at fairfieldcares@fairfieldct.org.

Fairfield Restaurant Week
Fairfield Restaurant Week began Monday and runs through Sunday, November 5. This is a great event that shows some of the amazing restaurants Fairfield has to offer.

Click here to learn more about the 25 participating restaurants!

Halloween on the Green
A reminder that this Sunday, October 29 from noon-4pm at 370 Beach Road, the Fairfield Museum is hosting their 7th annual Halloween on the Green. This wonderful family event features trick-or-treating, giveaways, displays in the historic buildings, food vendors, bounce houses, and much more. You can read more about this event here.
Alzheimer's Association Open House
Another reminder that on Monday, October 30 from 1-3pm, the Fairfield Museum will host an open house featuring the Alzheimer's Association Connecticut Chapter at 370 Beach Road. You can learn more about Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and memory loss, as well as resources available to you. The Fairfield Museum will also share how it will begin offering pilot programs for people living with dementia and their care partners.

You can register for this free, important event here.

I'm committed to ensuring your voice is heard. Please don't hesitate to call my office at (860) 240-8585 or email me if there's anything I can do for you. Be sure to follow @LeeperForFairfield on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on everything I'm doing at the Capitol.


Jennifer Leeper
State Representative


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